9. What is the treatment like?

The Chiropractic “adjustments” are short gentle thrusts delivered to specific areas of the spine or other joints. These adjustments correct misalignments, reduce joint fixations, and improve mobility and flexibility of the spine and relieve pressure on sensitive irritated tissues which in turn helps reduce the pain and other symptoms such…

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10. How long will it take?

Each patient is different. Some people have had their problem for a long time, and others have only recently begun to experience their pain. Depending on the severity and duration of the condition and its underlying causes, you may be under care for as little as 2 weeks or as…

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11. Does Chiropractic Hurt?

Typical chiropractic adjustments do not hurt. The patient may experience a minor amount of discomfort during the adjustment which lasts only seconds in an effort to correct misalignments and / or “fixations” in the spine that are causing pain or other symptoms and may have been present for years. Any…

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